6996 Ontario Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
(805) 595-2625
Res. Minister: Rev. Naomi Seijo Nakano
Here it is, the month of February. Where did Janu-ary go!!
Those who did not join us for our January 27 service, we had Rev. Ken Fuijimoto, retired minister from San Jose Buddhist Temple, as our guest minister. We were very fortunate to have him on a short notice since Rev. Nakano was in Denver. I hope you enjoyed his dharma talk as much as I did. I hope we will be having more guest ministers in the near future.
On February 23rd, we will be having our first fundraiser, The Crab Feed. If you have never joined us before, it is an experience of a lifetime. If you love dungeness crab, this is when you can get your tummy full of delicious FRESH crab, cooked that morning by our BBQ crew. We also have BBQ sirloin for those who aren’t so crazy about crab. So keep that date open and come join us with your family and friends. It is limited space so get your tickets early from SLOBC board members or call the church phone number. We will get those tickets to you ASAP.
We are always looking for volunteers to help in many ways making our fundraisers an success.
If you have a few hours to spare in your busy schedule, please contact the church. Thank you.
In Gassho, Donna Sato
President's Desk by Donna Sato
BWA by Sandy Hongo
If you were not there, you missed a wonderful New Year and Keirokai on Saturday, Jan. 26! The Activities Committee outdid themselves with fun group games, beautiful decorations, delicious appetizers, scrumptious cake and, of course, the wonderful bento box from Res-taurant Goshi. A huge thank you to all the hard-working committee people: Gary Hongo, Julie Conaway, Pat Poremba, Ann Kitajima and Ruth Vines, along with other BWA members who helped set up. SLOBC needs more participation by its members be-cause the committees work so hard and those who attend have such a great time that we want more of our mem-bers to enjoy the activities. Try to attend when fun times are planned.
On Sunday, we had the honor of having Retired Rinban Ken Fujimoto from San Jose Betsuin conduct our Dharma services. He gave an inspiring talk to a large audience of about 50 people! The BWA women came through with a quickly organized otoki that was delicious and well done. Thank you to Sylvia Bridge and Donna Sato! They are always willing to jump in and be counted on to help!
The Tri County Seminar is planned for Saturday, March 2, from 12:30 to about 2:30 at the Oxnard Buddhist Temple. This Seminar has been held for many, many years by the Buddhist Women’s Association of Oxnard Buddhist Temple, Santa Barbara Buddhist Church, Guadalupe Buddhist Church and San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church. As time passes, the number of participants is getting smaller and the churches are thinking of discontinuing the event. This may be the last one that is held and I encourage as many of us to attend as possible. John Hayashi has graciously offered to loan us his bus and driver to take us so transportation is not an issue. There is no cost except for a voluntary Zaidan fund donation. If you plan to attend, please let me know as Oxnard Buddhist Temple needs a count of attendees. Thank you.
In gassho, Sandy Hongo
2/10: 11:00am Nirvana Day Serv
2/19: 5pm Basics of Jodo Shinshu
2/23: 5-7pm Annual Crab Feed
3/24: 11:00am Ohigan Service
4/07: 11:00am Hanamatsuri Serv
5/12: 11:00am Gotan-E Service
5/18: Annual Golf Tournament